Homebuilding & Renovation Show

Tuesday, March 26th 2019 in
homebuilding and renovating show
Absolute Solar Stand J180

Absolute Solar are exhibiting at this national show. Last year over 100,000 people came and learnt about how to build, renovate and upgrade their homes with renewable technologies. Lowering their costs and saving them money. The national home building show is where east midlands leading solar panel installer Absolute solar shows off its latest home owner technologies

This year Absolute Solar joins the event. Showcasing its high profile green technologies in renewable solar electric energy generation systems. Hybrid Energy and solar hot water system coupled with Thermodynamic Solar Hot water system from Energie.

Both these unique systems provide innovative solutions for home owners in generating renewable energy. Delivering highly efficient generation coupled with dynamic management systems which provide energy when you need it.

Prime Hybrid Energy System

Prime’s Hybrid Dynamic Energy System are the most advanced solar and storage system on the market,. Able to generate and stress electricity coupled with a management system which delivers off-grid capability for up to 8 months a year in the UK.

Battery Storage Saves you Money on your Energy bills.

 A 4KW solar panel array coupled to the latest 2.8KW battery and converter integrated system provides your electricity when you need not when you generate it. With a high discharge rate and an energy display customers can see how this dynamic system manages their energy. Enabling owners to be off-grid or grid neutral . We have live demonstrations of this system on the Absolute Solar stand J180.

Thermodynamic Domestic Hot Water

Is the latest development in hot water and heating systems. Providing home owners with hot water 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. It is the most advanced hot water system in the world. Able to provide 55C water all year round, day and night. Using a small solar thermal panel, this system is changing the way domestic customers benefit from free solar energy.

Energie Thermodynamic Solar Panel System

It can be linked to a solar panel system to further enhance the hot water it provides and to make it cost neutral to run. It can save up to 85% of the cost of heating a home.

Like to learn more including how we can fit for free your Dynamic Solar electricity? Them call in to Absolute Solar at the National Homebuilding and Renovation show stand J180 to learn more.

Absolute Solar is at the National Home building Show.

Looking to build a new house or home, or upgrade your existing one? Then come the the National Homebuilding & Renovation Show at the NEC 28th to 31st March 2019 to see our range of carbon neutral technologies.Enabling you to go green, lower your bills and do you bit for the environment.

National Home building Show NEC March 28th to 31st March 2019 visit Stand J180 for Absolute Solar.

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