National Homebuilding & Renovation Show #NBSNEC19
Is the ideal show to see and learn about going carbon and grid neutral. The latest technologies enable homebuilders and homeowners to build or renovate their homes to reduce their carbon footprint and their energy bills by introducing the latest proven solar technologies.
Carbon and Grid Neutral Home
Electricity generation and Storage
Using solar and storage systems you can generate your own electricity when the sun shines, store and use it when you need it. Smart storage systems, called dynamic storage ensure your home is using stored and generated energy first, taking you off-grid when possible. With Prime’s hybrid dynamic energy system you can be off-grid for 8 months a year. No bills just free electricity when you need it from your own roof solar panel array feeding a 2.8KW smart battery system running your home. Becoming grid neutral is as simple as that, see they system with a live demonstration on stand at the show today and over the weekend at Absolute Solar stand J180.
Hot Water: When you need it
The second major home cost is in generating hot water for heating and running hot water. Evacuation tubes traditionally provided hot water when the sun shone on them, but people needed hot water in the early morning and evening.
Absolute Solar now installs the most advanced thermodynamic hot water system in the world which converts sun and air warmth into hot water at a constant 55C using the latest technology.
This innovative new system by ENERGIE works 24/7/365 producing instant, constant, and FREE hot water (outside the north pole). A system which uses both the sun and the air temperature to convert heat into hot water.
Homebuilder & Renovation Show NEC 28th to 31st March
Like to see how and what it does then come along to the National Homebuilders & Renovation Show at the NEC this weekend 28th to 31st March.